Hong Kong Disneyland Gives Recognition to Safety and Wellness Advocates
Originally published at Disney Parks News
Safety is always one of the top priorities in all Disney Parks and Resorts, and cast members play an important role in promoting health and safety among both our cast and guests. Just recently, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort held its annual Safety and Wellness Recognition Event to recognize teams that have contributed in this regard. It was also a great occasion for different lines of business to exchange their safety and wellness projects and share good practices among one another.
The Disney Heroes Award was also announced at the event, and the honors went to security manager Fung Siu, security lead Andy Tsang and security host Tracy Chan. Together, they helped save the life by responding immediately to an incident, applied AED and performed CPR before the arrival of paramedics. Fung shared: “We’re honored to receive this award. I feel great being able to save someone’s life and am glad that they are now recovering in the hospital.”
11 awards were presented by Managing Director Michael Moriarty, and Senior Vice President of Operations Tim Sypko. Katie Kelly, Vice President of Worldwide Safety Services at Disney Parks, and Dr. Pamela Hymel, Disney Parks Chief Medical Officer, joined the celebration via a pre-recorded video and shared their encouragement with the Hong Kong team.
Michael, Managing Director -
Tim, Vice President of Operations -
“I’m happy to see that our cast members always have the Safety Key in mind, no matter in their workplace or not. And I would like to thank all teams once again for excelling their creativity and passion to make Hong Kong Disneyland Resort a safe place to work in and enjoy for fellow cast members and guests,” said Joseph Yip, director, Security, Safety, Fire & Health Services at the Resort.