Originally published at Disney Parks News

Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser is set to open in spring 2022 at Walt Disney World Resort,. Today with the debut of its first commercial, we get a glimpse of what this first-of-its-kind vacation experience will be like. Check it out!

After you’ve watched this one or maybe 10 times, here are a few fun moments that stood out to me:  

  • We already know our adventure will begin at the Galactic Starcruiser Terminal at Walt Disney World, where we’ll enter a launch pod and head out into space. In this new clip, we watch out a viewport as the pod jumps to hyperspace, followed by the sudden appearance of the Halcyon starcruiser. Our home base for this immersive two-night adventure in a galaxy far, far away.


  • You see in the commercial how the Resistance is always looking for new recruits – but will we choose to join them?


  • As our hero’s family rushes into the scene, you get a view out to space over his shoulder, and then a quick look inside the cabin. The sleeping berths we can see are reminiscent of a similar bunk inside the main hold of the Millennium Falcon, no? And those are definitely some nice robes the family is wearing – they look like Jedi ready for action!  


  • When the camera pulls back, we zoom out the cabin’s viewport and into space – where suddenly TIE fighters dart in and hurl some blaster bolts toward the starcruiser. The Imagineers let us know we’ll be trained in bridge operations as part of our stay on the ship. And its laser cannons may come in handy at some point …


That’s a lot to digest in just 30 seconds! If you’re interested in learning more, head over to www.starwarsgalacticstarcruiser.com, which was updated this morning with loads of new details. While you’re there, be sure to sign up to receive updates as more information is released. You can also check out our aforementioned conversation with Imagineers all about Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser in the video below.

And as always, stay with us here at the Disney Parks Blog as we continue to cover all things Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser leading up to its opening in spring 2022!

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