Formula One is wasting no time in cleaning up the 39-acre parcel it recently purchased in Las Vegas for $240 million.

The site, at Koval Lane and Harmon Avenue, was once the home of Ice Meta Club. The club opened in August 2003 and closed in October 2006.

Here’s what most people see as they drive by.
Farewell, Ice. Your time was brief, but also forgettable.

Now, F1 has sicced a demolition crew on the former hotspot. Tearing up the northern side of the building first.

Ice looks like it’s melting.

At one time, the site was supposed to be home to W Hotel. But that project never came to pass.

F1 says it will use the former Ice site to build a permanent pit and paddock facility. Needed to support the 50-lap Las Vegas Grand Prix which happens in November 2023.

The exact dates of the first race haven’t been announced. But our source (operator of a casino along the F1 course) says F1 happens the weekend prior to Thanksgiving, or Nov. 16-18, 2023.

What also hasn’t been officially announced is where the race will start and end. We hear the race will start at the Koval and Harmon site and the finish line will be in front of Bellagio.

No way this is all going to fit in the recycle bin.

F1 officials have already shared the paddock layout with local residents.

Residents have also been informed the roads along the race course will be closed from 7:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday on race weekend.

In May 2022, the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority approved spending $19.5 million in taxpayer dollars. (From hotel room taxes) to sponsor F1’s first three races in Las Vegas.

We trust a good amount of those dollars will go toward preparing the roads for F1 cars. Apparently, they’re going to mill all the roads down 10 inches. Then the roads will be resurfaced with high-density asphalt.

Anyway, Ice nightclub is no more.

By the time you read this, the entire Ice structure is probably gone.

Ice was featured on a TV series, “The Club,” on Spike TV. There were four whole episodes.

Other structures on the site are slated for demolition as well.

F1 has garnered a lot of interest, despite the fact the Las Vegas Grand Prix is a year-and-a-half away.

Vroom, vroom, there’s more F1 news to come, like it or not.