A new ride attraction and bar at Area 15 has a new name and official opening date.

Formerly known as Rise, the “aerial experience” is now called Liftoff and will open Feb. 3, 2022.

Apparently, another local business owned the rights to “Rise,” so the attraction had to change course. Wild guess: Rise Lantern Festival made a phone call.

This ride looks crazy, but what the artist did to the Vegas skyline is even crazier.

The name Liftoff works, as the attraction lifts guests 130 feet up inside a helix-shaped tower for what we assume will be a great view of the Las Vegas Strip.

The open-air balloon ride has a bar at its base, so riders are encouraged to “imbibe and ride.”

The best line on the official Liftoff Web site, “In order to ride, riders must possess the ability to remain in an upright position at all times while seated.” We’re fairly
sure that’s not in reference to liquor consumption, but still awesome.

Among the site’s safety disclaimers: “Intoxicated people should not ride.”

Liftoff boasts a freaky “guardian,” a sculpture named Gilly.

Area 15 is weird, so Gilly fits right in.

There are two ticket price tiers for Liftoff, one for between noon and 5:00 p.m. ($18 adults, $12 children, $16 seniors), and the other for between 5:00 p.m. and midnight ($23 adults, $17 children, $21 seniors).

There are ride and drink packages available, as well as group packages. For example, two adults can ride and have cocktails for $55. Check out the Web site for details.

Liftoff isn’t a thrill ride, per se, but it looks like a fun new way to have a cocktail and get a panoramic look at The Strip and Las Vegas Valley.

If you haven’t been to Area 15, it’s turned out to be a wildly popular interactive mall, the centerpiece of which is Omega Mart.

We personally have heights challenges, but we’ll definitely be checking out Liftoff. We did say there’s a bar, after all.